Supporting People and Workplaces

Suicide Intervention


If you are, or someone you know is, suicidal or struggling with life issues, it is important to tell someone – if you are facing a crisis in your life, or a period of change, then counselling may help.
Counselling services offer clients the opportunity to talk about their situation in a confidential setting; validate their feelings and come to positive decisions.
A free counselling service to those affected by suicide and feelings of suicidality and is available across Tasmania.
We have a range of resources available to support all sectors of community.

Community Awareness

CLS conducts awareness and information sessions across Tasmania regarding the issue of suicide and suicidal behaviour/thoughts.
These sessions are presented to businesses, service clubs, veteran organisations, community groups, churches and agencies – any group of interested people who, through awareness, can change their community’s attitude and work together to reduce the number of suicides in Tasmania.
Your group/business/industry can arrange any of the above sessions by contacting CLS for more information: 1300 132 098.

Employee Assistance Programme

A proactive approach by employers to support their workforce with counselling, mediation, training and critical incident management.
Please refer to ‘Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)’ under our programmes section from more information.


LivingWorks ASIST

Dates currently pending


To find out more contact CLS on 1300 132 098